General Dentistry
Prevention and early detection is the cornerstone of our dental practice near Grosse Pointe. We provide routine dental cleanings and checkups to keep your hard and soft tissues in healthy condition and prevent the development of serious oral health conditions.
Your oral health is a window into your overall health so we must keep both optimized. Conditions like tooth decay and gum disease can increase your risk for health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, which can reduce your life expectancy.
We can prevent the formation of decay and gum disease by offering high-quality periodontal care and using preventative tools like fluoride treatments and dental sealants.

Sleep Apnea Treatment
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep-breathing disorder that causes patients to repeatedly cease breathing for at least 10 seconds at a time in their sleep. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea and this is caused by over-relaxation of the tissues in the throat, causing a blockage of the airway.
While the standard treatment for sleep apnea is an uncomfortable, noisy, and claustrophobic C-PAP machine, we can offer you an alternative treatment in our office – an occlusal guard. This is a custom-made mouthguard that is fabricated from impressions of your teeth that will shift your jaw to hold your airway open in your sleep, preventing lapses in breathing.

Office Amenities
At St. Clair Tooth Co., we believe in stocking our office with the latest in dental technology. This enables us to perform minimally invasive and precise treatments. With digital scans, we can take x-rays of your teeth with 80% reduced radiation exposure.
Intraoral cameras enable us to take digital impressions and digitally recreate your bite so we can map tooth movements for orthodontic treatment or plan dental implant placement. You can be assured that you’re always getting the best in Grosse Pointe here at St. Clair Tooth Co.
You will instantly feel welcomed to our dental home when you walk into our relaxing office, where you can grab a refreshment and watch TV until your appointment starts. If you’re looking for a dentist that serves the Grosse Pointe area, contact us to schedule an appointment with St. Clair Shores dentist Dr. Carly Cassleman today.